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4 U Body Fitness

The Truth

The Truth:
Quick-fix diet methods, like fasting colonics, cleanses and fasting do more harm than good to your body — and can actually hurt your weight-loss efforts.
Whenever you see any type of get-skinny-fast diet or program, be wary. If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a thousand times — there is NO quick road to weight loss! No shortcuts, no secret pills, no magic potions — got it? Want to lose weight and keep it off? The only way to is to eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, and track your calories in versus calories out.
“Fasting cleanses”do more harm to your body than good.
The term cleanse makes me laugh, because the only thing that detoxes your body is clean eating, nutrients that support your liver and kidneys and water. Stop eating processed crap and start eating whole, real foods. Thinking that drinking a concoction of lemon, syrup and cayenne pepper or drinking salt water and laxative tea, like the Master Cleanse, will “detoxify” your body and create permanent weight loss is completely untrue. I know people who have done the Master Cleanse and lost up to 4 kilo’s in a week, but in a month they put ON 10 kilo’s. You starve your body for a period of time, and then when you start eating again, you put all that weight back on – and then some. You’re screwing with your metabolism to boot and that’s dangerous.
Fasting will destroy your metabolism: 
Fasting throws your body into starvation mode. When you don’t provide your body with nutrients, it sends signals that you are now in starvation mode. Which means your body releases hormones that will slow down your metabolism, cannibalize your muscles, and store fat. The facts: Since fat is needed for survival to insulate our bodies, we store it, but muscle is expendable. When you restrict nutrients to your body, your body will start to eat its own muscle tissue, and (double whammy) become more proficient at storing fat. The main point: Don’t fast, to lose weight,you’re doing more harm than good.
The Bottom Line: 
There are no quick fixes when it comes to weight loss. The key to “cleansing” your body is drinking water and eating whole, real foods. Colonics, fasting cleanses, and fasting methods are just sending your body and your metabolism into starvation mode — which can create long-term negative side effects that aren’t worth the few pounds you initially lost.
Muscle and fitness magazine
Lisa Cornell
4 U Body Fitness 
Mobile Personal Training Specialist! 


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