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4 U Body Fitness

Nicole Conelly’s Journey

Today I have an Inspirational story from one of our amazing clients Nicole Connelly! Nicki has been one of these clients that has absorbed all the information that we have given her, attempted change, and gotten the results! I want to personally thank Nicki as she has been a pleasure to train and I am looking forward to helping her continue to knock off her personal goals! 

So please enjoy our Q and A with Nicki and I hope this inspires you to achieve amazing results as well! 

What where your original goals and expectations of doing Mobile Personal Training? 

I was originally interested in mobile personal training as I had some post pregnancy weight I wanted to loose, and I wanted to regain the strength I had lost after a slow recovery from a c-section. The convenience of training at home appealed to me, as it would have been very difficult to regularly spend time exercising at a gym while looking after my 8 month old son full time. I had also held gym memberships for many years before falling pregnant and was never able to achieve the results I desired back then, so I felt that this time I needed to try a different approach.


What have results have you achieved so far ? 

NIKICbeforeIn the seven months I have been training with 4 U Body Fitness I have lost 14kg, and I am now maintaining my goal weight. I have regained the strength I lost, and am now significantly stronger and fitter than I have ever been! I no longer feel physically exhausted at the end of each day, and my back pain has disappeared. I suffer less stress and anxiety than I used to, and feel generally more positive and excited about life 🙂


How have you found NikiCpost the 4 U Body Fitness Experience ?

Training with 4 U body fitness has been more enjoyable than I expected, I always look forward to my weekly sessions with my trainer, Tim. His positive energy and enthusiasm is very motivating. Many times I have been surprised at what I can do with Tim encouraging me to push myself that little bit further, and it feels great. Being able to train at home has been extremely convenient, particularly with an 8 month old baby. It does not matter what my son is up to, asleep, or awake and getting into mischief, we can always train around him and his needs. Sometimes he even gets involved in the workouts! While my diet before I started training was reasonably healthy, Tim has provided tips and advice to improve my eating habits and to lose weight, while still enjoying the occasional treat. He has also been there to support me on the occasions when I have overindulged, and helped me get back on track. The high level of individualised support I receive from Tim is very impressive. He is there to offer support when I am facing difficulties, and also to celebrate all of my positive achievements, no matter how small. Getting to know the other 4 U Body Fitness trainers and clients had been really enjoyable. Being a stay at home mum can be quite isolating at times, so having a network of friendly like–minded people is really valuable.    


What are some of the biggest challenges that you have overcome since starting your journey?

Self doubt has always been a habit of mine. I never seriously thought I could have attained the sort of results I have achieved at the beginning. With Tim’s guidance and encouragement I have realised the importance of setting goals for myself, and gained the self belief I need to achieve them. This has had a positive influence not just on my health and fitness, but also in other areas of my life.      


For someone just starting their journey, what advice would you give them to get the most out of their personal training experience? 

Get excited about setting goals for yourself! Trust your trainer, follow their advice. If you feel something is not working for you tell your trainer.. they will help you find something that does work.



I was a little apprehensive when I signed up for personal training. I had been told by countless friends/family/strangers that loosing pregnancy weight is so difficult, if not impossible. Until then I had pretty much accepted the fact that I would need to learn to live with the extra kilos and get used to the unpleasant side effects associated with being overweight – that it came with the whole package “of being a mum”. I was surprised when after only a few weeks of training I was back wearing my favourite pre-pregnancy jeans. This was significant for me as I felt a of loss of identity after becoming a mum – having left my job, limited contact with my friends, loss of freedom, and an altered body image all being contributing factors. Ditching the maternity pants for my regular wardrobe and regaining my energy levels helped me to feel like my old self again. This gave me the confidence to move forward, and work towards creating a happier and healthier version of myself. In my experience, becoming a parent you tend to sacrifice a lot and focus on the needs of others. When I started personal training it felt amazing to do something for myself, and made the shock of adjusting my new lifestyle more manageable. At the same time I have realised that investing in my health now will ultimately benefit my family in the long run. Knowing that I am setting a positive example for my son by leading an active and healthy lifestyle is very comforting.       




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