Tis’ the Season – 2015 4UBF Year in review
Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus right down Santa Claus lane!
That’s right everyone! The jolly fat man in red is almost here and with him, he will bring holiday cheer and an ever expanding waistline. Yes the festive season is upon us and with the joy of spending time with loved ones and sharing gifts comes a plethora of fatty foods, roasts, desserts, alcoholic beverages, chocolates as well as guilt and a little bit of shame. As a trainer, I will say that you should consume responsibly and in moderation but as a human being, I will also say that you should enjoy your break and the holiday season.
It is totally your choice if you want to continue to train hard over the holiday season and it is your choice if you decide to take it easy as well. 2015 has been tough on a lot of people but it has also shown that each and every single one of you are able to make decisions in your life to help you change your existence for the better. You should look back on 2015 and be proud of where you are now. A lot of you have shrunk in size and weight but have grown substantially as individuals and you should look back on 2015 as a stepping stone to where you want to be in your lives.
Every single person who I trained over this past year has overcome obstacles. My clients are a resilient bunch of headstrong winners who have proven to me and themselves that no matter what stands in their way, they will continue to move on and strive for greatness. Things like serious illnesses and injuries, loss of employment, unfortunate losses of loved ones and devastating divorces are just some of the issues that have faced many of my group but we are still together and still moving forward. We all look forward to a new beginning in 2016 but remember how 2015 shaped you into the person you are right now. Never forget that you have a story that is your life and 2015 was a previous chapter that you have just written. I personally draw strength from everyone’s personal story and it makes me a better person and trainer just by you sharing your journey with me.
2015 was a huge year for the team at 4UBF. We have had trainers come and go, clients come and go (And in some cases, come back again!) and as a team of personal trainers, we feel like we can really improve to give your personal training experience the best experience possible. We will only get better. We have picked up 3 of the finest trainers in the South East area in 2015 and they will only get better in 2016. Rhiannon who is our only female trainer (For now) shows time and time again that she can match it with the big boys and overshadow us in a lot of aspects. A kind hearted yet fiercely competitive individual with an upbeat and positive mind frame, she has been a very welcome addition to the 4UBF family. We also gained the youthful prodigy Andy who at the young age of 20 has shown experience and knowledge well beyond his years. He is a very methodical trainer who has grown in leaps and bounds over the short amount of time that I have known him. As a trainer, he is starting to find his feet and his voice and he runs a mean session by the sounds of it as well. 2016 will definitely be a big year for Andy as he will look to grow as a trainer and individual and solidify himself as a very experienced and more than capable trainer. Last but not least is the energetic Justin. Fresh out of the academy, Justin has experience far beyond his time studying as he played basketball at a high level in America and has learned much over his journey. Very sprightly and sometimes a little bit hyperactive, his energy levels are very contagious and inspirational. 2016 will be a big year for him as he looks to establish himself as one of the top personal training professionals in the industry. He has the potential to be a very successful trainer.
Behind the scenes we have the very lovely Angela Morgan or “Work mum” as I like to call her. She does a lot of work on the admin side of things and without her efforts; we would have been in a lot of strife. She has been such an important addition to the team and has relieved the pressure that’s for sure.
2015 has seen a lot of new faces come into the family. A lot of people with hopes and dreams have been able to turn that into a reality and many others are well on their way to achieving their goals. You have shared your goals with us and have diligently worked towards them and allowed us to share our passion and knowledge with you to enrich your lives as well as ours. You are family to us and every one of you has made our experiences as trainers very worthwhile.
We have had a lot of fun along the way with new monthly challenges such as the distance challenge (Which Team Hulk won!) and the NO!VEMBER challenge as well as some old favourites such as the 300 challenge and the 2nd annual 4UBF 8 Week challenge. We strive to always raise the bar and find new and exciting ways to keep you challenged and content and we will continue to inspire, challenge and motivate you for 2016 and beyond.
So please, everyone enjoy your festive season. Eat, drink and be merry and please be safe out on the roads.
However if you play up and put on a few kilos over the break, be warned that the team at 4UBF will make you burn it off.
“They see you when you’re eating; They know if you ate cake, They know if you have broken your diet, so eat good for goodness sake!
OH! You better work out, you shouldn’t eat pie, you better not gorge I’m telling you why…Your PT’s are coming to town!”
Merry Christmas and a happy new year from the team at 4UBF
Brad Carroll
4 U Body Fitness Mobile Personal Training Specialist