AMRAP Work out Number 8
Hi Guys AMRAP 8 almost into double figures and today includes some of my personal favourites, and i know you guys will enjoy this too!!!
today each exercise is going to be for 60seconds with 45 seconds rest in between, we want to go through this circuit twice, getting as many reps as possible (AMRAP)
Lateral wall walks – 5m stretch of wall moving on your hands from side to side with your feet up on the wall!
60 seconds on 45 seconds rest
Shuttle run – 20m (aim fro 12 as a minimum in the 60seconds)
60 seconds on 45 seconds rest
Spider Push ups – as you go down bring your right knee to your right elbow on the next rep switch
60 seconds on 45 seconds rest
Jump Lunges – Jump and Switch
60 seconds on 45 seconds rest
Inverted Rows – this one with a supinated grip (palms facing you) getting your chest to touch the bar!
60 seconds on 45 seconds rest
Deep Squats – Glutes to calves!
60 seconds on 45 seconds rest
Right down your total scores and post them up on our Facebook page!
Enjoy! Remember push yourself to get maximum benefit! The harder you train the better the results you will get!
Stay Awesome Guys
Tim Morgan
4 U Body Fitness
Mobile Personal Training Specialists!
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