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4 U Body Fitness

AMRAP Work Out Number 5!



If Your Going to be a Bear You Might as
Well be a Grizzly!



Here we go week 5 of our AMRAPS, hopefully your starting to build the mental toughness required to push past 100% of your maximum effort! Done forget to also go back and do the other AMRAP work outs so that you can keep smashing out new PB’s to keep you motivated and on track!


How many Rounds can you do in 20 minutes!


4 Simple Stations today! What simple? Where is the Challenge you may ask?

The challenge is in the sneaky Lunges!!!




Station 1: 10 Chin ups


20 walking Lunges to get to


Station 2: 10 Push Ups! Clap if you Like it (Clap push ups if you are tough enough!)


20 walking Lunges to get to


Station 3: 10 Pronated (Palms facing the bar) Inverted Rows 


20 walking Lunges to get to


Station 4: 10 Dips (Full body If you have the)


20 walking Lunges to get to


 Station 1 



Make sure your posting your best scores on our Facebook page 


Stay Awesome Guys!


Tim Morgan


4 U Body Fitness, Mobile Personal Training Specialists


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