Hi Guys Welcome To AMRAP 6! Number 5 was a tough one, which means i know you guys loved it!!!
Today is a simple but effective basketball conditioning drill which i got given to me by one of my old coaches, and damn it was good!! My best time is 14:11! The question is can you beat that!?
10 X 25m Sprints (I did these in the form of a shuttle run)
5 Push ups
9 X 25m Sprints
10 Push ups
8 X 25m Sprints
15 Push ups
7 X 25m Sprints
20 Push ups
6 X 25m Sprints (arms are starting to get heavy, legs are dying really fast but your almost there, and your lungs should be burning!)
25 Push ups
5 X 25m Sprints
30 Push ups
4 X 25m Sprints
35 Push ups (This one is when you realise you still have almost 150 Push Ups to go! Its one of those moments when you will pussy out or you will step up! Will you get past this point or will you go crying to your MUMMY!!!!)
3 X 25m Sprints
40 Push ups!!!!!!
2 X 25m Sprints
45 Push ups!!!!!!!
1 X 25m Sprints
50 PUSH UPS!!!!!!
Did you beat my Score? Chest to floor!!!
Stay Awesome Guys!!!!!
Tim Morgan
Mobile Personal Training Specialist