Nicole Bartlett’s Journey – lost 20kgs to Personal Trainer in 12months!
I have a special treat for you today as we have one of our own on work experience with us at the moment! Nicole who has been a great personality in both personal training sessions and our boot camp team. I asked Nicole to write a blog post and she has chose to share her journey over the last 12 months. Which i believe serves as an inspiration to all those looking to get started!
From Nicole;
Many people say to me, that they feel uncomfortable going to the gym, or getting a personal trainer to begin their healthy lifestyle change because fitness professionals all seem so unrealistic, with positivity, healthy bodies and minds and high hopes and expectations.
Everyone is human, we all come from the same place. And even fitness professionals have a story. We weren’t born fit and pushing weights at the gym, and flexing our muscles in mirrors.
My fitness journey began a year ago. I was overweight, a heavy smoker, and I drank quite often. Back then I probably wouldn’t have been able to tell you when I last looked in the mirror and smiled.
Misery from being unhealthy and disliking the way I looked consumed me, and resulted in me not being able to enjoy any aspect of life.
One day, I’d had enough and starting googling local bootcamps and personal trainers. By this point- I’d tried every fad diet under the sun. You name it, I’ve done it. Fat blaster milkshakes, fasting, juicing diets, soup diets and the list goes on. Nothing had successfully made me shed the weight which weighed me down, physically and emotionally. I stumbled upon 4 U Body Fitness online, called up and made the first start to my health kick.
I started personal training and attending bootcamps every day. I could feel my body changing after every single session that I completed. I quit smoking and limited my alcohol intake drastically. I opted to become the designated driver for a while so that I couldn’t drink on nights out. Plus there is nothing more satisfying than waking up the next day feeling as fresh as a daisy whilst everyone else around you is complaining that they’re dying. Ha!
I was so nervous at my first session, I had awful images in my head of a commander style PT yelling in my face and telling me I’m not good enough, it’s safe to say – it’s nothing like that at all. Each trainer has their own personality which shines through and makes each bootcamp session different and fun. And we all know a fun environment is a much easier place to be in. After around 6 months, I decided I loved this way of life.
By this point (and after drastically changing my diet) I was 20 kilos down, and feeling like a complete new person. So, I signed up to do a personal trainers course. There’s nothing more satisfying than changing yourself- except helping other people to do the same thing.
So here I am, 6 months on again from that point, an almost qualified personal trainer, a healthier and much happier version of my old self, and for that, I send my thanks to 4 u body fitness, because without them, I don’t know if I could have done it. And to reinforce my point that we all start somewhere, I’ve attached a photo of my transformation.
Good luck achieving your dreams, reach for the stars. As my dad always used to tell me, you can achieve anything you put your mind to, but the hardest part is getting yourself in the right mind. If it was that easy, we’d all be superstars, wouldn’t we?
Nicole Bartlett
4 U Body Fitness Legend!
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