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Self worth and confidence

Hi, team we have a special guest blog writer today in Brooke Burnside. Brooke is an amazingly accomplished beauty therapist and is now studying to be a personal trainer. Brooke has done an amazing job in the following blog sharing her personal experience with self-worth and self-confidence and the steps she is using to become the be the best, driven and successful woman she knows. I only hope that you take these steps on board and start moving forward in your own lives too!

Hello, my name is Brooke, and this is the first blog I have ever written, and to be completely honest this has been a very challenging task for me do. Writing about something that I’m passionate about but also opening up to you all about my past experience with self-worth and confidence.

Why have I chosen self-worth & confidence for this blog?

I feel this is a relatable topic to each and every one of us at some point in our life. My confidence has been rocked in the past and I have suffered some really bad lows and challenging moments with my mind and body.

From being bullied and in toxic relationships that destroyed the person I always wanted to be. I know how it feels to feel unattractive, fat, too skinny, and just not good enough. This negative and low self-worth made me unwell and gave me a huge complexion about myself. People I loved and cared about didn’t know how to understand what was going on inside my head, no matter how much they were trying to be supportive and nurturing, I became moody, I would snap easily, I was tired but worst of all I had formed a stomach ulcer which made me constantly throw up.

All this for being underweight and extremely stressed at the age of 25-26. Unfortunately, at that time I didn’t realise what I was doing to my body. I just felt I needed to be skinnier and toned, so people would accept me, but I look back now and know that the people I love and care about so much have always thought I am beautiful and accept me for me and my size, weight didn’t matter. Most of this is my mindset doing! It didn’t help that I let certain people start controlling my self-worth and how I felt about my body. I realize now the power of mindfulness, kindness and gratitude but most of all self-confidence!

Being judged terrifies me, being in the spotlight makes me extremely anxious, so understandably this blog is way out of my comfort zone. I told myself 2018 is the year I start putting me first and getting out of my comfort zone to be the best, driven and successful woman I know I will be. I always thought putting yourself first was selfish, so I never did. I recently went to a seminar and one piece of insight that I learnt from this was my priority list and why we all should be putting ourselves at number one, she quoted how can you give your priorities such as family, work, etc 100% if you don’t look after yourself and put yourself first.

Boosting self-worth and self-confidence

I am focusing on what makes me happy and positive and boosts my self-confidence and self-worth. Look we’re all human and we have days where we feel flat or situations do come up that are hard and challenging in life.

We all have a story to tell, but how we as individuals react and turn these situations around and get back on track is how it will define you as an individual.I’m very passionate about uplifting people and make people aware of the amazing potential you all have. We need to start being aware of our emotions and feelings and then taking that next step to overcome the negativity that our minds can be so easily influenced.

Our mindset is such a powerful tool that a lot of us are still unaware of. I would really love every individual to start putting yourself first and focusing on the kind self-talk and be positive and confident in your own bodies. I promise you once you accept yourself how you are and who you are right now, everything starts to slowly fall into place. Happiness and kicking goals starts with ourselves and I know we’re all so capable of all our goals in life. Keep striving to be amazing and start doing something for you today. I’ll leave these 11 motivational and uplifting steps that I live by every day and would love for you to all follow too or even better write yourself a list that will help you boost your confidence and self-worth daily.

  1. Know yourself/ love yourself
  2. Recognize what makes you happy
  3. Identify things that get you down – then change that situation for the better
  4. Set goals daily
  5. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people
  6. Never be afraid to ask for help!
  7. Stand up for your beliefs and values
  8. Be kind to others
  9. Take responsibility for your own actions
  10. Eat a healthy balanced diet and exercise regularly
  11. Put yourself first, take care of YOU! to give 100% in all you do!

Brooke Burnside

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