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I also should say thankyou for giving me the pleasure of helping you succeed in your health and fitness goals! You have taken a big step forward as i share my secrets in helping people achieve amazing results!
We will give you tips and tricks on how to motivate yourself to get off the couch!
We will give you safe and time efficient workouts so that you can achieve your health and fitness goals!
We will show you which foods are going to turn you from fat storing couch potato into, a fat burning machine that not only burns fat whilst you sleep but scares the living daylights out of the fat cells that want to attach to your dream body!
We will also give you exclusive offers and discounts to our products and service
Here is your first exclusive offer! Just by reecieving one of our awesome e-books(even if i do say so myself) I want to offer you a
Action Plan- Personalised programming that will enable you to achieve amazing results from Day one!
Goal Setting Session – Our specific Goal setting session that will get you pumped up motivated and ready to take over the world mwhahaha (my awesome impression of an evil laugh)
1 on1 Personal Training Session – With one of the 4 U Body Fitness elite personal trainers*. This will also show you how to Utilise your Action Plan to its maximum potential.
Access to our range of e-books that will help you accelerate your results!
200% money back guarantee if your not satisfied after 21 days!
All this is valued at a $197
How ever because I want you to get your butt off the couch and start getting amazing reults now, sms your name, number one health and fitness goal to 0403941014 and you can get all of this for only $47!
Remember the risk free double your money back guarantee!
*Personal Trainers are only available in the areas that they cover a supplement product or online coaching session will be available if out of range.